6 Reasons Why You Should Be Supporting Small Businesses

6 Reasons Why You Should Be Supporting Small Businesses

I know I share/post about supporting small businesses all the time, and you might just think it's because I want to just get more supporters for my own business but in reality, there are lots of reasons why I want to help promote supporting small businesses!!
There are lots of reasons to shop with small businesses:
#1 They are made up of people just like you!
They're local, they want their neighbourhoods to succeed, and they want to be part of the community in which they live. They're trying to make a living, pay their bills, support their families and their communities, instead of bigger companies where you're filling the pockets of millionaires/billionaires!!!
#2 It means you're supporting an entrepreneur!
You're supporting a dream and helping someone make it happen! I truly believe that everyone deserves to live a life that makes them happy and by supporting a small business, you're helping someone live that life!!
#3 You're helping create jobs for people in your area!
Small businesses often hire local people to help them out so by supporting these local businesses, you're helping create more jobs so therefore supporting even more people!! You also know they're not using cheap/slave labour like some larger companies so are much MUCH more ethical!
#4 You get to know the person behind the business!
Isn't it nice to find new people to follow/become friends with on social media?! Well you can do that with a lot of small businesses! You can get to know them better by visiting their website or following them on social media (usually both!). You can make sure you're following and supporting people who have similar opinions and values to you!
#5 They tend to be more willing to work with customers than big companies might be
They tend to provide a much better customer service and are more likely to go above and beyond as they want your business—so they'll do whatever it takes!! I have plenty of customers tell me that I've gone beyond expectations and that's sure to be the same with a lot of small businesses!!
#6 A lot of small business products are handmade!
Handcrafted products are more environmentally friendly than mass-produced items. When you buy handmade, you know that your purchase wasn't made by creating masses amounts of waste, from factories, shipping and other forms of waste!
If you're on the look out for more small businesses to support, you can always check out my Gift Guide!
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