Am I Doing My Bit?

Am I Doing My Bit?

Today I am going to share with you some of the things that I do to try and make my small business more environmentally friendly and sustainable!! I know I'm not perfect or anything but I always try to do my bit for the planet, including being vegetarian, so here are some examples!
Firstly, as you may already know, all the jackets that I paint and sell I get second hand and upcycle them!! The process of making denim is so bad for the environment and I really didn't feel comfortable supporting fast fashion in my business, so I decided to take pieces that people didn't want anymore and turn them into ones that people will love for years to come!!! I also now try to get most of my own clothes second hand too and reduce how much I buy in general!
Secondly, I send off all my orders either in cardboard boxes that can be reused/recycled or in reused packaging that I received! It may not look as fancy or 'on brand' as a lot of businesses packaging but not only is it better for the environment and saving waste but it is also a cheaper way of doing things!!
I support small businesses!!! Whether it's looking for things to treat myself to or if it's cards and presents for friends, I always always always look to see if I can find what I want from other small businesses first!! Etsy is FUUULLLL of small businesses in so many different categories so you can definitely find some amazing things for decent prices and support small businesses at the same time! I also have a HUGE list of small businesses to support if you wanted to check that out!!
The plastic wallets that I send my art prints in to protect them are biodegradable, recyclable, compostable and of course reusable!!
What do you do to try be more environmentally friendly? Do you have any more advice for me? Let me know!!
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