The 5 Gift Giving Mistakes You're Making

The 5 Gift Giving Mistakes You're Making

If you're anything like me, I know you LOVE to put a lot of thought into your gift giving, you want to make the receiver feel special and you want to make sure you're giving something they'll really appreciate! So here are my Top 5 Gift Giving Mistakes so you can avoid them!!
  1. You're focusing too much on what YOU want! Don't get them something because you like it, instead try to think about what the person you're getting it for likes! It may not be your personal style or likes but if they will like it, that's the main thing!
  2. You're focusing too much on price! I don't mean you should go all out and not even look at the price, I mean you can still get cute things for less! Handmade gifts (whether made by you or from a small biz) are SO thoughtful and I promise they will be appreciated even if they're cheaper than buying them something big!
  3. You're going for the easy option! Yes buying the typical chocolates, flowers, wine etc can be nice BUT think how much more appreciative you would be to receive a thoughtful, personalised gift! I personally recommend custom painted jackets and accessories... Personalised gifts are also less likely to be thrown away, therefore avoiding clutter and adding to negative environmental impact!
  4. Leading on from adding to negative environmental impact, another mistake would be buying something from fast fashion brands, they're usually more cheaply made so won't last as long and probably won't be as appreciated! If, instead, you buy from small businesses you're more likely to get a gift that's made with care and love, will last a longer time and can often be more personal to the receiver! Check out my small biz gift guide for lots of gift ideas in lots of different categories!
  5. Being late!! Unless it's a good enough reason, such as waiting until you see them in person or if it's just a few days late, giving them the gift late can make it seem like you forgot about the person's birthday and by the time you get it to them, it just won't feel as special! So make sure you're organised in advance!!!!
I really hope you found these tips helpful and of course, message me if you would like to order anything custom painted from shop!
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